"Dedicated to medicinal herbs"
Adonis is a family company dedicated to medicinal herbs - not only to the production of high quality teas, but also to the education of herb pickers and sustainable use of nature in order to preserve biodiversity. Adonis trained more than 10,000 people has so far for the sustainable use and picking of medicinal herbs.
Excellent altitude, clean, unpolluted air and moderate continental climate give to the Adonis tea a special note. In the eastern Serbia, a tea factory with over 2,000 m2 of warehouses and production facilities was built in order to properly preserve all the natural values of medicinal herbs. Part of the secret of Adonis's success lies in the factory's distance from major roads and industrial plants.
The magic of Adonis is created by the skillful hands of the beggars, who pick the herbs from the slopes of the Rtanj mountain, clean and green oasis in eastern Serbia.
Part of the secret to Adonis' success is the factory's distance from major roads and industrial plants.
The magic of Adonis is born in the skillful and hardworking hands of pickers, who maintain the tradition of doing this business with many years of dedication.
Adonis produces more than 100 types of tea. It annually produces more than 500,000 units of products, or more than 10 million tea bags.
Adonis teas can be found in 10 countries and in Serbia in more than 50 stores.
In the product range, the most important are:
- Filter teas
- Teasy teas (tea in the spoon)
- Snack teas
- Bulk teas
- Dedicated teas
In 2013, Adonis has received the prestigious German GLK certificate (Gütenachweis für Lebensmittel-Kleinbetriebe).
Adonis has received numerous recognitions and awards for his work. The most important are:
- Recognition of the Serbian Chamber of Commerce on the occasion of 20 years of successful work for the achieved results in the development and improvement of the economy, in 2011.
- Multiple champion awards and winner of several trophies and medals of the Novi Sad Fair
- Award for good design of the Teasy teas series by the Chamber of Commerce of Vojvodina in 2007.
- Multiple trophies for consistency of product quality ...
Adonis strongly supports the work of the Association for Medicinal Herbs "Dr. Jovan Tucakov ". For more than 25 years, Adonis has been organizing the most important national event related to medicinal herbs – “Sveti Jovan Biljober” . The event is held in the summer and gathers hundreds of nature lovers, pickers and producers of medicinal herbs over a couple of days.
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web: www.adonis.rs
phone: +381 18 830 074
address: Alekse Markišića 166, Sokobanja